I’ve been broken many times, but it was my divorce which shattered me. It was the first time I questioned God's plan and His love for me.
It was also in this season I began to stumble upon hearts. ❤️ They were everywhere; in the trees, the sand, the morning dew, and even in my bubble bath.
I didn’t recognize their significance until many years later.
When I look back on these photos today, I can almost relive the joy my spirit felt in the moment of discovering a sweet little heart. I realize now, these precious discoveries were love notes God set in my path to remind me of His love, and that He was near. No wonder my heart rejoiced. No wonder my heart healed.
I think God does this in many ways we cannot see, especially when we are blinded by pain.
Whatever season you are in, may you remember His promise that He draws near to the brokenhearted and those crushed in spirit. 💔 May you feel His joy and His love in unexpected ways and may your heart and eyes be open to the love notes He leaves in your path.